Since the 2010s, the introduction of automation and robotization in newsrooms has led to a significant transformation in digital journalism. The so-called algorithmic journalism arises as a novel discipline that impacts different tasks and functions that previously required a journalist’s intervention. Its use in the news outlets offers new opportunities for the collection, treatment, production or even distribution of content. Its reach is global and its impact acquires a transversal character. This chapter conducts a descriptive study of the implementation of artificial intelligence in journalism across three distinct media contexts: Spain, Portugal, and Brazil. Through a case study approach, the authors examine various successful initiatives that reflect the impact of these technologies on media and their role in redefining the boundaries of journalism.

Keywords: Artificial intelligence. Algorithmic journalism. Automation. Robotization.

Pérez-Seijo, S., Barbosa, S., Vicente, P.N. (2023). Artificial Intelligence in Journalism: Case Study of the Spanish, Portuguese and Brazilian News Media Systems. In: Negreira-Rey, MC., Vázquez-Herrero, J., Sixto-García, J., López-García, X. (eds) Blurring Boundaries of Journalism in Digital Media. Studies in Big Data, vol 140. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-43926-1_18