O Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication disponibilizou um número especial dedicado a Redes de Relacionamentos (Social Network Sites), com artigos direcionados para discussão de sites como Orkut, MySpace, Facebook, Cyworld, etc.
Aqui está a lista dos artigos:
– “Social Network Sites: Definition, History, and Scholarship” by Danah Boyd and Nicole Ellison
– “Signals in Social Supernets” by Judith Donath
– “Social Network Profiles as Taste Performances” by Hugo Liu
– “Whose Space? Differences Among Users and Non-Users of Social Network Sites” by Eszter Hargittai
– “Cying for Me, Cying for Us: Relational Dialectics in a Korean Social Network Site” by Kyung-Hee Kim and Haejin Yun
– “Public Discourse, Community Concerns, and Civic Engagement: Exploring Black Social Networking Traditions on BlackPlanet.com” by Dara Byrne
– “Mobile Social Networks and Social Practice: A Case Study of Dodgeball” by Lee Humphreys
– “Publicly Private and Privately Public: Social Networking on YouTube” by Patricia Lange
Via BoingBoing

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