A foto de um monitor, em momento de reset numa loja de lembranças do Vaticano, mostrando o Penguim do Linux chegou ao topo das indicações do Digg ontem à noite, gerando centenas de comentários de júbilo do tipo:
*Linux – God’s favoured OS
*Vista really is evil.
*This must be proof of the divinity of Linux.
*It’s a sign that god wants us to do things for ourselves and not listen to others or go with the flow.
*Thank God!
*Habemvs pengvin
Mas igualmente coisas como:
*Proof that not even God can get Linux to run.
*Makes sense. Priests can surf their nudie sites with less chance of viruses.
*The penguin has sex with young kids !?!?!?!?!
*eh… Still not enough for me to go Cathaholic
*Vatican gift shop…..
because they need more money.
tax those *****.

marcos palacios