A revista científica da Associação Brasileira de Pesquisadores em Jornalismo (SBPJor) Brazilian Journalism Research recebe trabalhos para o primeiro número de 2008 até o dia 15 de fevereiro. Os artigos e resenhas devem ser encaminhados para as editoras Claudia Quadros e Tattiana Teixeira. Detalhes abaixo.

Elias Machado

Brazilian Journalism Research
Call for paper – Volume 4, number 1, 2008
Deadline: february 15 th. 2008

The journal Brazilian Journalism Research is now announcing a call for paper for its next issue, to be printed during Semester I, 2008. The deadline is february 15th, 2008. Brazilian Journalism Research is a semi-annual scientific journal published by the Brazilian Journalism Researchers Association (SBPJor). For further information about SBPJor, please visit our website ( www.sbpjor.org.br). The association is dedicated to theory and research on journalism (both theoretical and empirical work). The journal is totally edited in English.
Schedule for Vol IV, number 1
Call for paper ends: February 15rst 2008
Editorial decisions: March 31rst 2008
Editing and printing: April 2008

1. Articles : Preference will be assigned to articles describing empirical research reports. The articles should be originals in the English language. Authors should send a copy of the manuscript of the article ( about 7.000 words), labeled and typed in double space throughout to the following electronic addresses by february 15th, 2008 : editorclaudiaquadros@gmail.com and tattianat@gmail.com. Please send a separate page containing the title of the article, name and identification of the author.
Each article’s manuscript should contain:
In a separate page, please type title, subtitle, full name(s) of the author(s) with current affiliation(s) and full regular mail and electronic mail address(es);
– authors should also list five key-words and an abstract of 100-150 words;
– a short (up to 5 lines) biographical note should also be supplied on a separate sheet.
Main text (in separate pages): about 7000 words clearly organized, with a clear hierarchy of headings and subheadings; please, use a clear readable style;
– references in both text and notes should be cited in the text (author, date, page)
– footnotes should be displayed at the bottom of the page;
– tables, figures, photos and illustrations should have a good range of contrast; they should also be numbered consecutively and must be clearly identified;
– an alphabetical reference section should follow the text; please, use Harvard style;
– permissions from copyright holders: authors are responsible for
obtaining permissions from copyright holders for reproducing any quotation,
illustration or photo previously published elsewhere;
Please send articles to Claudia Quadros ( editorclaudiaquadros@gmail.com ) and Tattiana Teixeira ( tattianat@gmail.com )
2) Book reviews : the journal will include a section in which relevant books are reviewed; manuscripts in clear readable style should have up to 1000 words.
Please send book reviews originals to Sonia Moreira ( soniavm@terra.com.br ) and Iluska Coutinho (i luskac@uol.com.br).