Acaba de ser lançado o mais recente número da New Media & Society (vol.8, n.6, Sage, 2006), trazendo um artigo de Joseph M. Chan, (Fudan University), Francis L.F. Lee (City University of Hong Kong) e Zhongdang Pan (University of Wisconsin) sobre os critérios de avaliação de credibilidade usados por jornalistas na China para sites noticiosos na Web. Intitulado Online news meets established journalism: how China’s journalists evaluate the credibility of news websites, o artigo contextualiza a situação e sugere que a chegada da Internet, juntamente com a erosão do jornalismo de partido, colocam os sites de notícias na Net como alternativas ideológicas viáveis. O artigo compara também a percepção diferenciada dos jornalistas chineses em relação a portais comerciais e sites de empresas jornalísticas da grande imprensa (mainstream media).
Abstract: The internet presents challenges to traditional journalism by being a platform for alternative practices of news production and dissemination. In response, traditional journalists are expected to engage in ‘news repair’ in order to reconfirm the authority of existing news institutions and the legitimacy of traditional models of journalism. This interaction between new media and journalistic practices must be contextualized within a media system. Built upon these premises, this study analyzes data from probability sample surveys of journalists in two Chinese cities. It finds that journalists regard mainstream media organizations’ websites as more credible than those run by commercial portals. The perceived credibility of these two types of news websites varies with journalists’ beliefs about journalism. While party journalism remains a dominant lens through which Chinese journalists evaluate the two types of websites, the sites of commercial portals are viewed by some to be embodying an alternative model of journalism.
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